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$175 balance due day of session
Deposit is non-refundable but transferrable.
Location: Gray, TN
15 minute session
15 images
Images are delivered via online gallery.
Print release available upon request.

** The bed will be neutral, with touches of greenery, fluffy pillows, and I'm hoping for Christmas lights with tree off to the side of the bed. First pic is mine that's shows the bed/location and the last 3 pics are visuals as to the actual setup look.

**This setup allows for Christmas pj's or normal clothing attire. I've done Spring minis with this bed so it's very versatile 👍🏻

**This deposit is specific to the setup you purchase and cannot be applied towards another mini session/setup if canceled or rescheduled by client. In the case of emergency, sickness, weather conditions, client will receive a credit of deposit to be applied towards a future session. You may swap dates, to the same setup, if a space is available.